Postpartum Support


Birthing a baby is life changing. We step down from birth tender, vulnerable and open. We find ourselves in unfamiliar terrain.

There is a lot to integrate - physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually.

The hormonal shift of the first days postpartum is the biggest shift we will experience across our whole lifetime.
Our brains, quite literally, change.

There is so much to navigate and hold and learn and heal.

And yet, everyone is looking at the baby…
Even as health providers - we advocate for mother resting after birth - but in a practical sense - no one is going to her to help her.

This is why I am coming to you.
So that you can rest and receive care and integrate your experiences.

The mother-baby dyad is the core of this postpartum transition, and it flourishes only when the mother is held, supported, nurtured and cared for.

For this reason, and many others, I believe in a mother focused postpartum.

Claiming support for ourselves as mothers is critical. I’ll hold space for you as you step down from labour and ease into postpartum. To set a strong foundation from which you can grow and flourish in your early mothering years.

This kind of support would be perfect for mothers with babes in NICU, and we can arrange session times around visiting hours.

This support is also absolutely appropriate for women who experience pregnancy loss or stillbirth - and all things will be tailored accordingly.

Together we will:

  • Do a Birth Story Debrief - a process of compassionate listening to your birth experience from start to finish without judgment or interruption

  • Discuss techniques for stepping down from labour, as well as build understanding around and reframing any relevant labour experiences

  • Acupuncture tailored specifically to your health, your experiences and recovery. Generally we will be supporting energy levels, smoothing the emotional experience of transition, aiding sleep quality and working to ease pain.

  • Consider moxibustion (warming therapy over the acupuncture points)

  • Play a meditation while you rest with the pins in

  • Consider cupping therapy if your back and shoulders are tight from feeding and carrying babe

  • Consider tailored Classical Chinese Herbal Medicine support as needed

  • Get really clear on the top priorities for your finite energy during this season (hint: rest = top of the list)

  • During this time I will encourage you to curb your learning from a vast array of external resources. Instead encouraging you to sit back into your experience, listen to your instincts as much as possible, and take in information from trusted, valued sources who know your situation.

  • If your partner is around and would like to talk through anything from the birth or how they’re feeling after the birth we can have can have a chat while your pins are in.

Let me listen to your experience from start to finish without trying to fix things. Let me make eye contact with you. Let me sit with you in the tenderness - in the process of unravelling and making sense of it all. Let me bring compassion and space to your transitioning world. Let me witness your non-linear, completely-human healing. And let me mirror back to you your own pure strength and beauty.


The Details:

Each session is 90 mins and in your home.

Each session is $375, paid prior to the session.

Ideal Frequency Approximately weekly in the first 4-6 weeks postpartum. Tailored according to your needs.

Private Health Insurance claim info on FAQs page.

I’d love you to read this short piece about Rewriting The Mother Story By Investing In Our Own Care


As an AHPRA registered health professional (Chinese Herbalist, Acupuncturist) testimonials speaking to clinical treatment outcomes are no permitted. Feedback I am offering here is from women I have worked with - and speak specifically to my personal character and approach - to help you decide if we’re the right fit.

“I am so grateful to have received support and care from Amy in my postpartum period. In such a turbulent and fragile time in my life, I was met with so much compassion and encouragement, which played a significant role in promoting healing and hope for the next chapter in my life.

I can identify a handful of people who witnessed the raw and vulnerable transformation I experienced as I became a mother and Amy was one of them.

She heard me. She saw me. She held a space filled with trust and respect.

Amy’s way of affirming and validating my experience resulted in me feeling safe and above all, human. At a time where I felt overwhelmed, exhausted, scared and at times - grief, Amy met me with an open heart.

It was only through those authentic conversations that I heard myself speak. Revealing to me what was most important. A clarity through the chaos that was crucial.

My partner also appreciated time with Amy as she brought a perspective that was empathic and reassuring as he too navigated this new world of parenthood.

Amy is one of the most compassionate people I have met and without a doubt has many personal and professional strengths that would be of benefit to any new parent. I have already told her if I have another child, she will be a part of that journey too.”

— Grace

A Note On Infant Health:

My focus is on the mother side of the mother-baby dyad. Infant health is outside my scope of practice and as such I will offer external referrals and resources for babes needs. Infant health in the early postpartum, especially around establishing breastfeeding, should be addressed in a time-sensitive manner with a qualified lactation consultant (IBCLC). The Resources Page has helpful starting points.